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1) US Debt to China
2) Cindy Sheehan's State of the Union Arrest
3) New Orleans/Lack of Emergency Response
4) New Orleans / Eminent Domain
5) Google China (Quicktime 4 MB)

US Debt to China

  1. How Scary Is the Deficit?
    by Brad Setser et al. for Foreign Affairs
    July/August 2005


    The United States has a particularly delicate relationship with China, which is currently the single biggest buyer of U.S. debt. To date, disagreements on other issues have not prompted China to slow its accumulation of dollar reserves, but that is not to say that it could not happen in the future. The ability to send a "sell" order that roils markets may not give China a veto over U.S. foreign policy, but it surely does increase the cost of any U.S. policy that China opposes. Even if China never plays its financial card, the unbalanced economic relationship between the United States and China could add to the political tensions likely to accompany China's rise.

    by James Surowiecki for The New Yorker
    April 18, 2005


    Last year, Asian countries invested almost four hundred billion dollars in the United States, mostly in government bonds. China is effectively taking most of its excess national savings and lending it to the United States. The Japanese, who despite their creaking economy remain flush with savings, bought a quarter trillion dollars of American debt last year, even though the interest is lousy and the assets themselves are losing value. More than any other nation in history, the United States depends, economically, on the kindness of strangers. Right now, Asian investors appear very kind.

Cindy Sheehan's State of the Union Arrest

  1. Activist Sheehan Arrested In House Gallery
    by Eliott C. McLaughlin for
    February 1, 2006


    Peace activist Cindy Sheehan was arrested Tuesday in the House gallery after refusing to cover up a T-shirt bearing an anti-war slogan before President Bush's State of the Union address.

  2. What Really Happened
    by Cindy Sheehan for  t r u t h o u t
    February 1, 2006


    As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State of the Union address last night. I am speechless with fury at what happened and with grief over what we have lost in our country. There have been lies from the police and distortions by the press (shocker). So this is what really happened.

New Orleans/Lack of Emergency Response

See my blog category, New Orleans Catastrophe 2005

New Orleans / Eminent Domain

  1. New Orleans residents are enraged over recovery plan
    They insist that forced buyouts and a freeze on construction are no way to rebuild
    by Kim Cobb for the Houston Chronicle
    January 12, 2006


    Most of the resident speakers at Wednesday's meeting were adamantly opposed to staged redevelopment that might lead to the city using eminent domain to force them from their homes.

  2. Hostility Greets Katrina Recovery Plan
    Residents Assail Eminent Domain and Other Facets of New Orleans Proposal
    By Manuel Roig-Franzia for the Washington Post
    January 12, 2006


    Angry homeowners screamed and City Council members seethed Wednesday as this city's recovery commission recommended imposing a four-month building moratorium on most of New Orleans and creating a powerful new authority that could use eminent domain to seize homes in neighborhoods that will not be rebuilt.

    Hundreds of residents packed into a hotel ballroom interrupted the presentation of the long-awaited proposal with shouts and taunts, booed its main architect and unrolled a litany of complaints. One by one, homeowners stepped to a microphone to lampoon the plan -- which contemplates a much smaller city and relies on persuading the federal government to spend billions on new housing and a light-rail system -- as "audacious," "an academic exercise," "garbage," "a no-good, rotten scheme."

    "You missed the boat," homeowner Fred Yoder, who lived in heavily flooded Lakeview, told committee members. "Give me a break: We don't need a light-rail system. We're in the mud."